Tuesday, 23 December 2014


    Your Unique Festive Gift - Well Sort Of
    Helping you get your message across - through the news media and face-to-face


    It may seem too good to be true, but you’re getting something you desperately need for Christmas that you didn’t know existed.
    Yes the Michael Dodd Communications 2015 Calendar is here in this festive ezine edition.
    Put together by the 14-year-old technical and creative genius, Lucinda Dodd, the calendar has a deeply moving, inspiring and – let’s face it – ever-so-slightly ridiculous picture for every month of the coming year.
    Here’s Mr October - one of your 12 pictures-of-the-month to tempt you to keep it on your wall throughout next year (though no offence taken if you choose not to do so!!!).
    The full set of a dozen monthly pictures can be obtained for free:

    Download the calendar here now! (6.2 MB)

    As you take action over the next twelve months to become an even more inspirational communicator, your days will be numbered as never before…
    Whatever else you get for Christmas, you’re probably doing better than the Sony corporation who have received a festive-time bollicking from President Barrack Obama as their gift.
    The President says Sony made a mistake in bowing to pressure from North Korea by pulling a their movie which sends up their leader, Kim Jong-un (pictured).
    In the strongest possible language an US president can utter, Mr Obama declared: “That’s not what America is about”.
    And to make matters worse for Sony, Hollywood star George Clooney (pictured) also weighed in, saying that bowing to North Korea was “insane”.

    The criticism has certainly had its effect, as Sony has begun muttering aloud about finding an alternative means of distribution other than in the cinema chains that were nervous about screening it.
    As a courageous role model, they could do with checking out Charlie Chaplin.
    As Nazi Germany was wreaking havoc on humanity, Chaplin courageously went ahead with his first talking movie, The Great Dictator.
    Chaplin proceeded to make the film during the late 1930s despite pressures to abandon it from Britain where the appeasement policy towards Nazi Germany was in place.
    After appeasement was overturned and Britain declared war on Nazi Germany, the pressures eased – and the movie proved highly popular in both the UK and America when it was released in 1940.
    The movie’s climactic moment comes when Chaplin, dressing and acting in a Hitler-like manner, gives a surprisingly enlightened speech in a dream sequence.
    I was alerted to this amazing cinematic moment by the world’s greatest geography teacher (in my experience), Rosa Kloczko (pictured), who I’m delighted to say is a regular reader of this ezine.

    I was a beneficiary of Rosa’s captivating lessons in Sydney which fostered a greater understanding of the world, the desire to explore it and the importance of looking after it.
    Her lessons continue – and long may they do so!
    Rosa has a great sense of history, so enjoy this Charlie Chaplin clip thanks to her:


    If you need some holiday reading – and you want to improve your business at the same time – I strongly recommend the new book by chief executive guru, Roger Harrop.
    Roger - one-time national president of the Professional Speaking Association – maintains that business should be simple, and his book is in line with this belief.
    “Win! How To Succeed In The New Game Of Business” enlightens readers on how to utilise ground-breaking rules that have come with new technology.
    Roger makes the point that digital innovations have levelled the business playing field – both internationally and between companies that are small and large, old and new.
    For a man who is rich in white hair, what is particularly admirable is Roger’s identification of the importance of capitalising on the skills of the new high-tech generation.
    “For the first time in history,” he writes, “young people have more knowledge than older or more experienced employees”.
    “We have got to find a way to bring millennials into our company and have them respected and listened to – and not just in the traditional way of ‘start at the bottom rung of the ladder’.”
    Here’s hoping Roger succeeds on this mission - to the advantage of tech-savvy millennial Lucinda and her friends!
    Roger’s book is at:
    Here’s hoping the younger generation – coupled with your ever-enhancing communication skills - add to your success in 2015.
    Keep smiling festively,


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