Sunday, 29 May 2011


I'm looking at introducing a new workshop session to boost the general communications skills of business leaders.
If you run one or more business leaders groups, you are most welcome to copy and past the survey into an email and send the completed version to me at
Your thoughts will be much appreciated as I plan the new session.


Survey for chairmen of business leaders groups on improving the communications skills of your members.

1. On a scale of one to ten, where one is very poor and ten is excellent, how effective do you think your typical members are when it comes to communicating with:

A. You

B. Other members of their group

C. Their staff

D. Their customers

E. Their prospects

F. The public

2. Looking at the poorest communicators in your group(s), what difference do you think it might make to the performance of their companies if they were able to communicate more effectively?

3. Looking at the best communicators in your group(s), what difference do you think it might make to the performance of their companies if they were able to further enhance their communication skills?

4. Without identifying specific names or companies can you briefly outline a story you’ve come across through dealing with your members where poor communication from a business leader had a big negative impact?

5. Can you outline a story you’ve come across from dealing with your members where excellent communication from a business leader had a big positive impact?

6. Looking at your members in general, what aspect(s) of their communications skills most needs improving?

7. How useful would a workshop session – or a series of workshop sessions - aimed at boosting the communications skills of your members be for your group(s)?

A. Highly Valuable

B. Valuable

C. Of minimal Value

D. Not worth contemplating

8. What is your name?

9. What's the name of your group and where is it based?

10. What is your email address?

Please send completed form to

Many thanks for your time and thoughts. Michael

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