Wednesday, 2 January 2013


I suppose you're wondering why this special Michael Dodd Communications Christmas extravaganza edition is coming out today when it doesn't normally arrive on Saturdays.

Well it's all because of those Mayans.

You may be aware certain interpretations of the ancient Mayan calendar suggested that the world would end on 21 December 2012.

We now know that these interpretations - or misinterpretations - are nonsense.

But of course until today dawned we couldn't be absolutely sure.

And as someone who prides himself on being at the cutting edge of important global developments, I've been worried about the timing of the seasonal issue of this ezine.

Just think about it.

I'd look pretty stupid wishing everyone a merry little Christmas if it turned out that 25 December 2012 never turned up.

And, to be frank, it would be a quite a bit of work for little reward if no one ever got to read this ezine... or you looked at it but then disappeared along with everything else an instant later without the time to think profoundly about its deep, multiple and potentially paradoxical meanings.

How embarrassing would that be for Michael Dodd Communications in the after life?

And my concerns were heightened when it seemed that someone as important as the Australian Prime Minister, no less, suggested the Mayan interpreters might be onto something.

Julia Gillard made her doomsday pronouncements known in a promotional broadcast for the Australian youth radio station, Triple J, which did a special programme on the End of the World. 
Triple J
Triple J's promotion for its End Of The World show

I used to report for Triple J when I was an Australian Broadcasting Corporation foreign correspondent based in Berlin and London.

Therefore I know from first hand experience that many Triple J reports are absolutely true.

So when Ms Gillard threw her prime ministerial authority behind the Mayan interpreters, I had to consider the possibility that she might know something that the rest of us didn't.

You can check out her warning here: 


Whether it's wise for a prime minister to throw the prestige of office behind such a stunt is a matter for fine judgement.

I've got doubts about her decision myself.

But you can't blame Australia alone.

After all Ms Gilliard was born in Wales.

Now that it looks as though there will be a 2013 afterall, it's worth doing a bit of future planning on bad health habits.

I'm sure most readers of this ezine are far too sensible to smoke.

But for those who have succumbed to the evils of nicotine, you might be inspired to quit the habit by Australia's far-sighted move to ban all branding images on cigarette packets.

I would be the first concede that not everything that comes out of Australia is necessarily a brilliant idea (see above story).

But this latest move against smoking is a fantastic leap forward - and other countries would be well advised to follow suit.

Why am I so sure?

Well I've spend a lot of time working to help boost the communications skills of those wonderful people who assist others to give up smoking.

And I've been privileged to work with some health charities who help those who suffer from diseases which smoking can cause - or make worse.

So I've learned a bit about the downside of inhaling the smoke - and just how difficult it is for many addicted people to give up the habit.

I think that anything which helps de-glamourise smoking to stop people taking it up in the first place is, on balance, a good thing.

And if you watch this item below after the initial news story, you'll be rewarded by experiencing the views of a lifelong Australian non-smoker who bobs up to put his two cents worth in on BBC News.  

Whether it's worth waiting for his appearance a couple of minutes in I'll leave you to decide.


At this time of year you might expect that an august publication such as this would contain a seasonal picture of a tree.

And here it is. 

Apple Tree
Photo Credit: Jonathan Brind

This particular photo is of an apple tree - but a very special one.

It's located within the grounds of the National Measurement Office in Teddington in London's southern suburbs. 

I've been fortunate enough to have been doing some communications-boosting work there this week where I had the opportunity to observe the tree.

So what's important about it?

Well it's supposedly been grown from a cutting of an apple tree which once lived much further north.

And it's said to be the tree which Sir Isaac Newton was observing when he saw that apple fall and - after wondering why it fell down, not up - went on to discover the law of gravity. 
Sir Isaac Newton
Sir Isaac Newton plus apple
Here's hoping the tree inspires you too.


The Michael Dodd Communications ezine is read by people of many cultures in many lands.

This means that wishing a simple Merry Christmas could potentially cause ruffles - or at least seem overly Christian-centric - in some circles.

One has to be so correct these days that at a seasonal function organised by the Professional Speaking Association we were all handed the following message to keep us on the safe side.

So here is an adapted version of it which serves to form a very special seasonal
greeting - especially for you.

Best wishes for an environmentally-conscious, socially responsible, low stress, non-addictive, gender neutral, winter solstice holiday, practiced within the most joyous traditions of the religious persuasion of your choice, but with respect for the religious persuasion of others who choose to practice their own religion as well as those who choose not to practice a religion at all.

Additionally, a fiscally successful, personally fulfilling and medically uncomplicated recognition of the generally accepted calendar year 2013, but not without due respect for the calendars of choice of other cultures (like those Mayans) whose contributions have helped make our society great, without regards to the race, creed, colour, religious or sexual preferences of the wishers.

(Legal Disclaimer: This greeting is subject to clarification or withdrawal. It implies no promise by the wisher to actually implement any of the wishes for himself or herself or others and no responsibility for any unintended emotional stress these greetings may bring to those not caught up in the holiday spirit.)

Keep smiling throughout the festive season whatever your religious, political or philosophical perspective.


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