There is a formula for what makes news which is easy to remember.
It revolves around the fact that, journalists are always after is one thing - TRUTH.
Yes, really!!!
The TRUTH formula is as follows:
Topical: If something is running in the news - say the French troops in Timbuktu or the debate on whether Britain leaves the European Union - then if you have a story which touches on that in some way the media will probably be interested.
Relevant: If you present a branch of the media with something that is relevant to their particular audience then they should be interested. The bigger the impact on their audience - emotionally or economically - the more attracted they'll be.
Unusual: This is the "Man Bites Dog" factor....or for the purposes of this newsletter "Monkey Bites Michael" factor.
Trouble: The media love trouble and controversy. So anything that touches on this should spark their interest. This is a potentially dangerous factor though, as you don't normally want your organisation seen as being a trouble-maker. Better to portray yourselves - if the facts allow - as the trouble-solver.
Human: People love stories about people....particularly interesting people. Welsh ballboy Charlie Morgan has been kicked by a Premier League football player, aptly named Hazard, which has resulted in phenomenal interest in the
humans involved in the drama.
So if your potential story doesn't hit any of these factors it may not be worth sending out a press release out about it.
Instead, look for something that hits one or preferably more of these "TRUTH" factors and you're in with a chance.
There's much more information about getting free media publicity for your business in an interview I did with a round-the-world radio station - Voice America - hosted by international radio star Chris Cooper.
It's an hour-long interview which explains how to project your message through radio, television, newspapers and news websites.
You can hear it at:
Details about my master classes on "Position Your Business For Free Media Publicity" are at:
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